Sunday, February 13, 2022

on getting stuff done...

Some way too interesting times, a bit of interesting news regarding those Orcas attacking boats, and in the "Who casts the longer shadow?" department...

Some times I sit at the keyboard trying to think of something to write. The funny thing is that yesterday while I was doing some reading, I said to myself…

"Ah, that will make a great post for tomorrow!"

Of course, today, for the life of me, the only thing I can remember was that it was brilliant and would make a great post but not a clue what it was. 

I’d blame it on being an old fart, but this sort of occurrence has been a factor from as far back as high school. You’d think by now that I’d have sorted out a way to save those elusive ideas.

Sure, I know I should always have a pencil and notebook ready at all times and in the past; it worked a treat. These days, I reach for a tablet or a computer instead, but I seldom actually input anything as the latest news story or daily silliness distracts me.

Sadly, it’s not just about the writing. The real culprit is that I should note ideas regarding boat tasks and needful fixes and projects. Last night, getting up to grab a bottle of water, I had an inspiration that I really needed to get with the program and work on the bilge pump. This morning, what with making pancakes, reading the news to see if we were at war with Russia, or being reminded that I really should check the water levels of the batteries. That I needed to sort something with the bilge pump drew a complete blank.

Yeah, I really have to get a few notebooks.

H/T to Six dollar shirts

Listening to Patty Griffin

So it goes...