Thursday, February 24, 2022

It's a very small world...

A positive trend in energy, some Hawaiian history, and a whole lot of ski films...

While I'm often told that politics has no place in sailing or cruising, the fact that Russia is currently invading a sovereign democratic country is going to be somewhat problematic for a lot of folks on boats.

Next time you buy diesel you'll no doubt notice that the cost to fill your tank is not going to make you a happy camper. Neither will the fact that the EU and Russia will, for the foreseeable future, be one bad decision away from what will amount to a World War.

Yeah, I know everyone says that the currently airborne excrement won't hit the rotating blades but I'll remind you that "everyone" said that about WW1 and WW2. Since I'm ranting, I'll add that they also said that COVID would not be a problem, too.

Face it, it's a small world and pretty much anything that happens in the dire department will wind up affecting all of us in one way or another. Being on a boat, avoiding the news, or ignoring your moral responsibilities won't give you a free pass.

Listening to a "sweet" playlist

So it goes...