Monday, January 10, 2022

trying to make sense of a dream...

Wendig on the Great Surrender, a not unexpected outcome, and a heartbreaking slice of reality...

I often dream about boats. Sure, I also dream about other stuff, a lot of which seems to be nightmarish or just plain weird to the Nth degree. But boat dreams seem to be more lucid and detailed.

Last night I dreamed of scarfing a plank for a scowish boat being built on a beach somewhere. The location of said beach was unknown, but the shore was rocky, there were pine trees in the distance, and I was wearing a sweater...

My daydreams about boats are more like the problem solving variety where if I did this than I’d have to do that procedural building boats in my head sort of thing. Not exactly exciting stuff, but they often come up with interesting solutions where building boats and rigging come into play.

That said, I don’t really put much store in dreams, but I wonder this morning just where that beach is...

Listening to Jems

So it goes...