Monday, January 03, 2022

New Years aftermath...

Regarding the unspecified value of together, about that dead whale, and in the "Well this blew my mind" department...

So, here I am on the first working day of the new year and it’s already depressing. It’s not that the world is rapidly going to hell in a turbo-charged wicker basket, or that apparently 30-40% of the population seems to believe a world picture that bears no discernible relationship to reality. Nope, it’s all about the fact that 2021 was a horrible year to get anything done. Which translates to how the frelling fuck did my to do list for 2022 become the list from hell when we’re only three days into the new year?

Take the new self-steering gear that is not, as planned, attached to my transom but currently a bunch of parts taking up room in the salon. Then there’s the rewiring project that is a bag of varied wire and electrical bits which have taken up residence in the starboard quarter berth. Let’s not forget the new bilge pumps which need to be installed....

The list appears to be endless.

I’ve never been one for the entire New Year’s resolution thing. Simply because I’ve never been up close and personal to anyone who’s been successful.

Just as I never sail to a distinct destination but towards and the idea I should make lists that include a schedule is simply asking for trouble in the world that I inhabit.

Still, I’d like to reclaim the table in the dinette, which has become just another horizontal surface that stuff waiting to be built is sitting on.

On the positive side, with the current state of the plague, a large part of the population having an IQ somewhere akin to the temperature of Cut Bank Montana, and having way too much stuff to do to get back into cruising mode, I still have a glimmer of hope, if only seen through tears, to sort things out doing the ad hoc two-step.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Listening to the Iron Leg Radio show

So it goes...