Saturday, September 04, 2021

Regarding the boat designer builder interface...

Some well earned karma, EBM on that Texass thing, and in the "Just so wrong" department...

The other day I had an email from a guy who, apparently, needed to tell me that he would never build a Bolger design because his boats were ugly and. since Phil was no longer living he would not be able to answer questions that arise in the building process. 

Now, for starters, I personally feel that Bolger's designs are anything but ugly and some of his designs are actually beautiful. That said, I'm aware that some folks take issue with some of his designs like our Loose Moose and Loose Moose 2 but, as far as I'm concerned, I'll just point out that when form and function come together in a positive manner the design will reflect that.

On the subject of not choosing a design because the designer is not around to answer your questions, I'll just point out that the designers job pretty much ends when the drawings are done as any good design will have all the information you'll need to build the boat.

Then again, if you don't have the needful skill set to build a given design it's really time to either acquire the skills or choose a design that better reflects your abilities. The bottom line is that it's not the designers job to hold your hand and spoon-feed you what you should already know...

Listening to a Captain Beefheart cover

So it goes...