Saturday, August 21, 2021

something not about pocket cruisers...

A guitar auction of note, some interesting math, and in the "Poisonous nostalgia" department...

There are days when reading the news makes me wonder if I'm in the midst of an acid flashback on steroids. The problem is that my experience with drugs all those long years ago never came close to the madness that most take for granted as normal these days.

In short, it would seem that the new norm is pretty much batshit crazy.

Which, I might add, makes it fairly difficult to sit down and write something interesting on pocket cruisers or how to evolve your cruising riffs to suit the current world as we find it while, in the back of my mind, I'm wondering just how we got to the point where folks are refusing to take medical advice from doctors and scientists and, instead, getting it from some guy on the internet who heard from some guy who heard from someone else that taking horse dewormer would cure or prevent you from getting Covid.

Still, as the great doctor Thompson once said...

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"

Listening to Captain Beefheart

So it goes...