Something you can do for the USPS, Wendig riffs on a quarantine cliche, and in the "Just in case you need a new pair of Mahi Mahi skin boots" department...
The other day I was looking at a stock plan for a cruising sailboat and found myself making disgruntled noises throughout the process.
The thing was it's a nice design, had good lines, a comfortable interior, and, I expect, would have been a great boat to sail in pretty much all conditions. The problem arose when looking at the scantlings and materials involved in building the sucker as it seemed that nowhere on the boat was anything even remotely a standard size.
The problem with non-standard sized wood is that to get it you're required to have someone mill it for you or mill it to size yourself. This adds either a chunk of labor or expense to the enterprise as well as whenever you're having to pay for wood that becomes sawdust you're losing money.
There's a lot to be said for lumber that you can buy at your local lumber merchant which makes plans that use standard-sized lumber, planking, and fasteners much more preferable than ones that don't.
Listening to a whole lot of songs relating to "10"
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago