Daniel Ford (a favorite author of mine) with a Flying Tigers/Coronavirus connection of sorts, some very needful reading on the Dunning-Kruger effect, and in the "Shit is beginning to get weird" department...
Hunkered and locked down?
Need a project to keep the boredom away?
DuckWorks has a great idea.
"What better way to occupy an entire week of afternoons than building the Portage Pram kit in your home, and under the virtual guidance of a professional boat builder. We’ll send you all the supplies you need, and then instructor Joel Arrington will build along with you in real-time offering live-streamed instruction. In five days of 4-hour sessions, Joel will answer your questions as he walks you through each step—from opening the kit box to preparing your boat for paint and launch day."Duckworks has all the info you need here.
For those without access to or can't afford a kit, you can still access the online streaming class for free. Now, how cool is that? Seriously, even though I've lost track of the number of dinghies I've built I'm very much looking forward to watching this class because I know I'll learn a trick or two to add to my skill-set.
Listening to some Hey Joe covers
So it goes...