Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Something you might want to check out...

A setback for a good cause, something worth reading concerning climate change, and in the "Frogs in a saucepan" department...

Mister Vee is working on something new...

That's right, it's a new wind vane self-steering gear. What makes it even cooler is that the design brief fills a very real need in a market where the average price of a self-steering gear hovers around $4K.

You might say the world could really use a vane gear that only costs $500 (+/-).

Sure, it's a sorta/kinda kit (some assembly, gluing, and painting required) but non-problematic for anyone who can handle putting together a chest of drawers from IKEA.

The WoodenB is still in development but you can get on the information train by signing up for the WoodenB Newsleter.

Listening to Neal Casal

So it goes...