Something taxpayers might want to take note of, a little situational awareness snafu edition, and in the "Pants on fire" department...
So, let's say you need a water jug or two for your boat and have chosen the Scepter five gallon because it's what just about everybody uses. You know, this one...
What's it going to cost you?
Well, as it happens, Budget Marine just sent me an email that had that very thing on sale for $53.95 (normal price is $59.95).
Yowza! I'm not sure about you but more than $50 bucks for a plastic jerry can seemed just a little bit high so I thought I'd see what other folks were selling the exact same thing for...
WEST Marine had it for $29.99.
Defender had it for $19.99.
Amazon had it for $14.44.
WalMart did not have the Scepter jug but did have a reasonable facsimile for $12.97.
Quite the difference. Obviously this sorta/kinda disproves the whole "You get what you pay for" mantra /idiot speak so common where boat stuff is concerned as well as underlining the fact that you really should do your due diligence and math before shelling out money for just about anything for a boat.
Especially whenever the seller has the word b-u-d-g-e-t in their name.
Listening to Los Lobos
So it goes...
PS Have a great Cinco de Mayo