Regarding public lands, far away Icarus, and in the "not nearly far away enough" department...
So, as the latest NAB show has come and gone leaving me with the urge to upgrade cameras, I was investigating used prices of some the cameras I need to get off the boat to make room for a couple of new ones. It's amazing just how fast gear depreciates these days.
It's also bloody depressing.
Pretty much the same goes for marine electronics as well. Which reinforces my opinion that the only time to get boat gear is when it's already discounted to the max. Marine electronics and suchlike don't change all that much from year to year which is sorta/kinda nice compared to film and video stuff which works on a far more disruptive model.
In the event that anyone is looking for an elderly GoPro, a pristine Nikon D90, D200, or a Panasonic DVX100 drop me a line as I could really use the locker space aboard "So It Goes".
Listening to Sly
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
11 hours ago