A cherry on the top for the "Can't organize a piss-up in a brewery" files, about those shark fins, and in a time where a little escapism is needful...
While pondering the various dinghies on the list I can't keep from thinking that you're on pretty safe ground with whatever seven to eleven foot dinghy you choose... There really is no BEST or ultimate dinghy that comes to the top of the pile. The fact is that they all work, cost about the same, and consume the same amount of labor to build.
Sure they're all going to include compromises but, then again, all boats are really just a bundle of compromises so that's not really a surprise. The question remains what are your most important needs?
If super light weight is important the Stasha is far and above the best boat on the list. On the other hand if doing a lot of diving from a dinghy is the all important need that needs to be filled the Stasha is close to the bottom of the list and you might find yourself looking at the Chameleon or Spindrift. Split the difference and the DUO starts looking like the dinghy of choice.
So, what the hell am I going to build this go-round?
Right now my current needs have me considering the Chameleon and DUO. The DUO appeals because it is a tad lighter and uses less plywood. The downside of the DUO is its nested height is just that little bit taller than the Chameleon and will obscure the view forward from the dodger even more than the Chameleon.
The Chameleon has greater displacement so can carry more and that's a factor as well.
I expect what I'll do is just buy a couple of sheets of plywood and then just flip a coin. Or, just maybe if I don't feel lucky on the day, I'll just build a sorta/kinda nesting Big Tortoise with some added flotation because, you know... Spontaneous whim.
The fact is, it really does not matter too much because whatever I build I can always sell for a small profit as there is always a greater demand for good dinghies than there are good dinghies available. Just something you should always keep in mind...
Listening to Fishbach
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago