Something from the 'Pathetic Asterisk Of Condescension' department, a book to keep an eye out for, and a boat doing some good works...
Reading the news it appears that Trump and his stooges think that mass deportation of illegal aliens to Mexico is a good idea even if they are not from Mexico. It is not going to make Mexico a happy camper and, as is normal with politics at this level, if we do something to piss off Mexico it is normal for Mexico to retaliate in some way or other. All governments tend to take the tit for tat thing seriously and if the USA starts dumping non-Mexicans off at the border things will get interesting and not in a good way.
It has also not escaped my notice that the whole large-scale-round-up-immigrants-of a non-white-variety-and-send-them-home-two-step will also include lots of people from the Caribbean and other island nations where folks on boats like to visit.
Something to think about.
Any readers out there know anything about cruising in Russia?
Listening to Warren Zevon
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
4 hours ago