The word for today is Anthropocene, water, water everywhere, and regarding the most destructive
people in society...
What can I say but it's a new year and way past time for a major boat purge.
Well for one there are those scrap bits of aluminum from an old self-steering project which fall dab center in the middle of the too little to use and too big to throw away zone, some odd lengths of 1" stainless tubing which might come in handy if I ever decide to build an arch, a bunch of Plexiglas offcuts that sorta/kinda might be just the thing for some project I can't quite remember, and then there all that no longer needful but too good to put in the trash...
All of that crap when lumped together adds up to a surprising amount of weight but it's the clutter issue which is the real problem as all of this stuff I don't use creeps around the boat (I suspect all unneeded boat bits have legs) like a cancer. Appearing, as if by magic, in lockers they don't belong in obscuring the stuff you're actually looking for and suchlike.
That said, it certainly beats having to mow the lawn...
Listening to Ryan Bingham
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago