John Scalzi making some needful points, a sky pilot getting it right, and Badtux pointing out the obvious...
A long time ago I read the book "Sailing the Farm" by Ken Neumeyer and while there is a lot of good ideas, some excellent information on seaweed and other content of a useful sort, it suffered greatly from the fact that a lot of the projects/ideas were just not practical aboard a boat or, in their current form of evolution, simply did not work. Which is not to say he was not on the right track or his theories were wrong but it was simply not quite ready for prime time.
Tragically, as fate would have it, Ken Neumeyer was never able to write a sequel to "Sailing the Farm" but I'm sure that if he had it would have contained a boat sized, scaled down, and demountable version of something like this solar dehydrator from Mother Earth News.
Actually, maybe it's time to look at "Sailing the Farm" again and see how we can apply current tech and materials...
Listening to The Platters (2015 version)
So it goes...
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Here's a project of interest...
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Labels: Books, Good stuff, Living Aboard, Projects