I'll admit it... I kind of like Bernie, not so much this guy, and this nearly made my head explode...
Have you ever noticed how much good quality, lightly used, boat gear is available for sale? Or how it sells at a fraction of the cost?
I mention this because yesterday I was tempted to buy a near state-of-the-art radar with a carbon mast that was selling for less than the carbon mast alone would go for. The reason the guy was selling it is he felt he needed to upgrade from near state-of-the-art to full-blown-state-of-the-art.
I suspect the guy is a regular reader of Panbo...
But, it got me thinking about how big of a percentage of operating and maintenance costs for some folks on boats is about replacing stuff that really does not need replacing at all.
Oh yeah, I decided against the radar...
Listening to Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
1 day ago