An interesting story involving yacht racing, in the "paranoia strikes deep" department, and someone making some sense...
Taking a month off from doing Boat Bits has given me some time to think long and hard about whether or not it's worth the time and effort to actually do it. Sort of one of those conversations with oneself and the added distraction of having a good angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other adding to the mayhem. But, to make a long story short, the decision to resume and beaver on has been made so I hope you'll all be patient with some changes and experiments I have planned for the near future. Some of which, I hope you'll like.
As this blog is supposed to be about boats in a sorta/kinda way, here's a link to a very interesting boat, the RM 1070, that a lot of folks were very impressed with at the recent Paris Boat Show... A production built plywood design that has a lot of details that are very impressive (hopefully you can adapt a few into your own boat, boat build, or project). Voile &Voiliers Magazine (always a good read) takes us on the tour.
Listening to Ministry (it's got a good beat, easy to dance to, and the lyrics just make a whole lot of sense...)