Troubling, some needful reading, and in the "we're all really screwed" department...
We recently replaced our our old fridge for a slightly larger one. Partly because a little more volume would be no bad thing and partly because the one we had started to behave a bit oddly performing somewhat less than optimum.
The initial idea was to sort out whatever was causing the old fridge to misbehave and then use it as a dedicated freezer. You can file that into the seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time drawer as we simply do not have the room for a dedicated freezer and, as we've somehow managed to survive/thrive for thirty years without such a beast, why bother since a trip to the local marine consignment shop is a lot less work than major surgery to the boat to make space... Kind of a no-brainer decision.
The new fridge is performing way above expectations and the lemonade aboard "So It Goes" is almost painfully cold. The little bit of extra volume makes for a a simpler life and when something perishable is on sale (like $1.99 a pound pork chops) I can double up which alone will probably pay for the cost of the new fridge within a couple of years...
Doing the happy dance!
Listening to Lucius
So it goes...
Unusual Times
3 days ago