Dorworth on Mountain Gazette, mind-boggling scary, and did someone say bat-shit-crazy...
I keep noticing a trend... Folks on boats in commuter mode.
Recently, a blog I read was talking about the advantages/disadvantages of anchoring close in or at the fringe of the pack and the example they were using was an anchorage I know quite well.
The major point of discussion seemed to be not so much about anchoring but convenience and how long it would take you to get to the beach in your dinghy.
Have I mentioned the anchorage in question is really small?
Now, being that I no longer bother with a motor on our dinghy, the difference in getting to the beach for me from the outskirts of the anchorage or the inside is about a minute or two and, because we tend to savor our privacy, we pretty much always anchor at the back of the pack. The extra minute of rowing being no big deal and is enjoyable especially when there are turtles or rays to see which is most of the time.
Of course, the folks writing the blog weren't talking about people who row (we're not in their reality) but about proper cruisers with RIBs with 15HP or greater motors (I believe the author has a 40HP as it happens). The difference they are actually talking about in added time to get to shore would be a few seconds which could hardly be called all that inconvenient or a hardship from where I sit.
I often hear folks expounding on the need for dinghy speed because, apparently, getting to the dinghy dock a few seconds or minutes earlier makes all the difference. Now, truth be told, I'm pretty hazy about what the difference actually is, but I gather, it must be pretty dire if seconds count... Maybe there's a guy on the dock going into cardiac arrest or Timmy's locked in the barn and it's on fire?
Me, being a slowpoke, I suppose, whatever it is, I've missed it by the time I get to the dinghy dock. You know what? That suits me just fine...
Listening to Red Molly
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago