Someone making sense, not exactly surprising, and a gold medal in deed...
When was the last time you saw anything truly innovative for sailboats?
Funny thing is, for the last couple of days I've been trying to think of an example but I have come up dry. Most products that come across my field of vision are at best slight improvements on an old theme and at worst the phrase all-fucked-up springs to mind...
Which does not mean the word innovative does not get thrown around a lot but these days it's so often misused that it lacks any real meaning.
Someplace, somewhere I'm sure someone is doing revolutionary work on sailboat design, stuff to make them go, and better systems to make cruising better but I'm just not seeing it... Just the same old same or worse.
So if you're out there beavering away on something revolutionary or you know someone who is, drop me a line I'd love to hear from you.
Listening to Sons of Bill
So it goes...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago