Leftsetz getting his groove on, some important numbers, and if you're thinking of building a tiny house...
For quite a while I've been watching the growing "tiny house" movement with a lot of interest. While I think they are only sorta/kinda on the right track, we of the boating persuasion could learn a lot from what's going on.
Take the aforementioned tiny house building workshop for instance... See anything like that for folks who want to build or rehab a boat?
Which is not to say there are not any number of workshops available to potential cruisers. Sure there are. Most of them really boil down to how to spend money because the truth of the matter is the current perception of cruising/sailing is that it's just an exercise in consumerism.
You know, it doesn't have to be...
Listening to the Warren Haynes Band
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
12 hours ago