Yet another way to steal the vote, why you might want to pick up the current copy of Esquire, and a question that often keeps me up nights...
I'm kinda bummed...
I need another copy of "The New Cold-Molded Boatbuilding" (loaned out one too many times it would seem) as it is a very often used reference aboard and it has come to my attention that Reuel Parker does not yet have a Kindle version available.
The fact of the matter is that being able to read e-books on our Kindle, Nook, or tablets has pretty much become the norm aboard "So It Goes" and we're just not buying paper books anymore.
We're not alone as most of the boat bound and cruising folks we know are doing almost all of their reading electronically because it makes sense.
Truth is, there are a lot of boatbuilding and maritime books on my books-I-need-to-buy-or-replace list and I'm waiting till they come out in an e-book format because I like my water line where it happens to be.
Nuff said.
Listening to the rather awesome Alan Price
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago