Something to ponder, a bit of good news, and, hey, some justice is served (enjoy it as these days it's a rarity and should be savored like a fine wine)...
It just occurred to me that it's really hard to do something different these days whether it's cruising or building a boat. Which is not to say it's not doable but that there is an even greater, if not overwhelming, pressure to conform that was not with us a couple of decades ago...
I blame the internet.
Which is kind of a bummer as you'd think that the internet would nurture new or out of the box ideas... But, everywhere I look, I see legions of naysayers telling people there is only one true path and the overall mantra seems to me "My way is the only way"...
Just imagine a young Lin and Larry getting on their forum of choice and mentioning that they were planning to sail around the world in an engineless 24-foot cutter for "as long as it's fun".
See what I mean?
Listening to Dwight Yoakam
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago