This makes a good point, just the new norm, and something important to know...
Want to know two things that really get "up my nose" as our British cousins say?
How about "BEST" and "X vs Y"...
Not a day goes by that that our mailbox does not get someone asking for our opinion on what's "best" or my opinion on the Pearson vs CAL, mono vs cat, or some-such other conundrum and it bothers me.
Which is not to say I mind answering questions or throwing some needful advice out from time to time but I simply think making a competition out of the decision making process is dumb and counterproductive to getting what you need.
Face it, it's hard enough just finding something that actually works and fulfills its function on a semi-regular basis without clouding the issue with, what is essentially, a popularity contest...
Yesterday's post was about an interesting rig... It was not saying that it was better (or worse) than a junk rig or, for that matter, my favorite the balanced lug rig. It was simply a heads up about a different way someone has dealt with propelling a boat using wind as a motive force and it is interesting information that you can use to aid (or not) in your decision making process.
From where I sit one of the few perks available to us as boat folks is we get to think and make our own decisions about stuff and you do yourself a great disservice by trying to turf it out to what everybody else thinks is "best"...
Remember, what "everybody" thinks is mostly wrong!
Listening to the Rascals
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago