This, sadly, seems to explain a lot, because they can, and Shuggie riffs with Frank...
Everybody has an opinion. Or, at least, they should have! It might actually surprise some of you but it has been rumored that I have some strong opinions as well.
My better half, who is currently reading Fatty's "Buy, Outfit, and Sail", pointed out to me this morning that Fatty and I do not agree on some fairly major points about windvane self-steering.
The thing is, Fatty has some opinions too...
Which is something you'd expect from someone who has lived most of his life aboard boats. He's earned those opinions and what works for him works.
On the other hand, what works for me works as well...
The whole point is simply that there is no ONE TRUE PATH where boats, cruising, and sailing are concerned. There is no BEST, there are simply variations on a theme...
Work that out and you'll be a whole lot happier!
Listening to Tears for Fears
So it goes...
A Tiny Cannon
22 hours ago