Business as usual, the future of education, and how to win those hearts & minds...
I watched "The Dove" a couple of nights ago and it sorta/kinda made me a little sad.
While not a great film by a long shot, it did have a certain charm and did better than most what sailing long distances by yourself is all about.
Of course, being 2013, I wouldn't be surprised if many of the readers of Boat Bits don't even have a clue just how important Robin Lee Graham, his boat "Dove", and his book actually is to the whole sailing off into the sunset gig.
He made it seem possible...
So possible in fact, that the seeds sown are the reason so many folks of my generation took to sailing and went to sea.
While I was in Jr High, the ongoing piecemeal accounts of Robin and his Dove were serious dream fodder because a little boat designed by Bill Lapworth was within reach and, by damn, he was DOING IT!
The sorta/kinda sad part comes in when realizing that anchorages these days are seldom empty or as pristine as they were in the late 60's/70's and the sailing gig, while more accessible, is simply not the same and suffers by comparison.
You know, I'd trade my GPS in a heartbeat for a few more pristine anchorages...
That said, there is still adventure to be had, and if you are not following Where is Tara Tari? maybe you should be...
Listening to Melody Gardot
So it goes...
Time to Dump
4 days ago