Wow, a Senator making some sense, how not to protect kids' hearing, and if you only read one Clusterfuck Nation post this year I'd suggest this one...
So, a new year...
So far it would seem not unlike the last one. I'm sitting here writing this while having my second cup of coffee, a too long list of things I need to do on the boat crying out for my attention, and the world still seems like it's going to hell in a jet-propelled wicker basket.
Yep, pretty much the same old same...
We do have a few changes up our sleeve on the blog front. Fishing Under Sail and Island Gourmand which have been on a sorta/kinda hiatus will be back on a much more regular basis. Boat Bits will be mostly doing the same old same two step but will no longer be doing any posts on the whole VolksCruiser thing because the VolksCruiser subject is going to be handled by its very own blog...
More on that tomorrow.
Listening to Glossary
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago