Something to ponder, the numbers tell a story, and Lefsetz talks about the great Lowell George...
Over at a forum that shall remain nameless, someone put a link in the classifieds to a Westsail that was for sale up in the frozen north...
Now, it's just my opinion, but common courtesy dictates that if you want to discuss stuff you don't do it in the classifieds. Sure I know that you may have a low opinion of a given design or question the sanity of buying a boat in the frozen north but unless you have up close and personal knowledge of the particular boat in question, you really should not be commenting.
Which, is not to say that you cannot go to one of the other forums on the site and start a thread on how awful Westsails are, or how impossible it is to do repairs/refits and suchlike in the frozen north (providing you actually have firsthand knowledge of repairing or refitting a boat there) but the place for discussion is not the classifieds section of a forum because that is just rude...
Listening to Alan Price
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago