Some needful words on gay marriage, yeah... really absurd pretty much says it all, and something to take note of...
I know I keep mentioning that there are a lot of good cheap plastic boats out there that would make someone a proper cruising boat...
I also mention, from time to time, that there are a lot of great boat designs someone can build as well...
For folks who want to go cruising or live-aboard on a budget these are the two paths that most find workable as it does not require a big cash outlay in one big lump. Plus, a lot of the costs can be dealt with in more manageable stages as the project continues.
Where most people have problems with either scenario is that it is very hard to do a big project like a cruising boat on a part-time basis which makes for a long project and the hazards of mission creep or runaway budget.
From where I sit, I see a lot of mission creep on boat projects... Fact is, when you look at most boatbuilding forums almost all of the discussions involve mission creep. "Should I convert my sloop design project into a cutter?" seems like an innocent and reasonable question but it is anything but. Changes to a project nearly always add expense in real terms, time to the build, and seriously disrupt your momentum.
Momentum is a boat builders or fixer-upper of boats best friend. Something we'll be coming back to quite a bit I expect.
Tomorrow we'll get into the whole runaway budget thang...
Listening to Los Lonely Boys
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago