I think Krugman pretty much sums up the Tampa shindig, a great moment in lady-parts science, and Attainable Adventure Cruising brings up an important question...
I'm on this mailing list that sends out press releases on various marine and yachty products... Something akin to a daily dose of hype. The idea, I expect, is that I'll get lazy and simply reprint the press release as a blog.
Truth is, I'm actually fairly open to the process and if they ever sent me anything really interesting and innovative that improved the lot of the cruising sailor, I might actually pass the information along to the readers of "Boat Bits".
The problem is that everything they send is anything but interesting and innovative which actually says a lot about the marine industry when you think about. What they think is innovative these days is selling the same old same with a new label or new packaging...
Just off the top of my head I can think of any number of products on boats that could use some real improvement but my hype folder keeps growing with blurbs about improved "MAGIC" stainless steel polish, silly plastic cup holders, and electronics that are the same old same except made even more badly than the products they replace...
Listening to The Lumineers
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago