Much of what Americans think they know about illegal immigration is wrong, Christians against Tolerance, Equality and Awareness show what they're made of, apparently Wall Street is a NO PERP WALK zone, and just another "Protect & Serve" story from the Sunshine State...
I haven't read Cruising World in a while but have been reading the current issue...
Apparently there is something of a tempest in a teapot as some readers,
apparently, would prefer their sailing periodicals free of articles of a
"Green" nature and the letters to the editor reflect the various views.
Which has nothing and everything to do with the fact that I'm sitting in
the Caribbean during hurricane season without being panicked.
I've done my homework. Now, I mention this because in dealing with the
whole hanging out in a hurricane zone during hurricane season seems to
involve three very different mindsets...
I simply don't want to know...
The ostrich approach is that you simply ignore or put in the memory hole
any fact or information that would suggest that you might, in fact, get
hit by a named storm. Folks who follow this methodology are quite
interesting AFTER a storm because they will steadfastly intone that the
storm in question was a fluke, no one could have seen it coming, and
someone should have given them better weather predictions... Which is
interesting as in most cases all of the weather predictions were of the "big storm coming run and hide" sort.
I want a pony...
This is the cherry picker group who do follow the weather but simply
ignore anything that they don't like. So, if Jeff Masters says that such
and such a storm has a good chance of getting too up close and personal
they simply find someone else (including the village idiot) who will say something more along the
lines of what they want to hear. They are actually more of a subset of
the ostrich folks but with the important difference that they think they
can somehow make wishes real and, like most spoiled children, throw a
tantrum when they discover the world does not orbit around the orifice
they sit on.
The pragmatists...
Luckily, most of the folks I know subscribe to the third group who
watch the weather and find as much real information about weather systems
as possible so that they can make an informed decision about where to
hunker down or run to in the event of a storm happening...
Which brings us back to those letters in Cruising World. It would seem
that the I want a pony brigade and the ostrich clan don't like their
sailing magazines with talk of climate change or green subjects that
might make a small bit of difference for the common good. Personally, I'm
all for someone writing into Cruising World with some REAL information
based on FACTS that adds something to the whole climate/global
warming/green discussion but then, I suppose that would be too much to ask
On the plus side, the ostriches and the I want a pony folks are on the Darwin express outbound. On the negative side, they really do seem to want our company on their slippery slide to oblivion and as such don't have yours or my best interests at heart. Which is something best kept in mind when things are of a serious nature.
When in doubt be pragmatic...
Listening to Guy Clark
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
1 day ago