Some good points regarding China, a fish story of note, and someone who thinks a lot like I do...
Last night a big power boat that was anchored right next to us and, for one reason or another, fired up its engines around midnight...
It got my attention!
As it happens, nothing happened but it did put my spidey-sense into overload until we could ascertain that they were not a threat, reacting to some threat, or simply leaving at an odd time (and since they were anchored so close we were worried that they might snag our ground tackle and take us with them in the process).
It occurs to me that some of our brethren cruisers who have air-conditioning and lock themselves into a climate controlled cocoon every night don't hear things like big Caterpillar diesels firing up, the telltale sound of dragging chain, someone sawing through their dinghy painter, or uninvited folks coming over for a nocturnal visit...
Just something to think about.
Listening to Craig Morgan
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
12 hours ago