Why putting our health care in the hands of the insurance companies sucks, why maybe some folks running things should not be, and some scary shit...
Yesterday I picked up a couple more James Hall books ("Mean High Tide" and "Hard Aground") for the Kindle as they seem to have them cheap at the moment... I really like having an author's complete series output and the Kindle allows you to cart around books that you know you'll want to reread down the line.
I was first introduced to James W. Hall and his character Thorn when I was dead broke in Paris and came upon a galley proof of his book "Under Cover of Daylight" at Shakespeare & Co for a couple of Francs... So broke in fact, that the decision to buy the book was of the "if I buy this book I'll have to skip lunch" sort of thing.
Skipping lunch that day was the right decision...
Listening to Steam Powered Giraffe
So it goes...
Unusual Times
2 days ago