I know this really dates me but I remember when respect was a word that was often used when speaking about cops, or the clergy, Scalzi on SWM's, and a little rewriting of history...
Guess what!
My generator is working again!
As it happens, the problem was a kinked fuel hose that would unkink when you opened the access door or took the housing off the generator so when you looked at possible problems the hose would look finestkind but as soon as you closed up the generator to start it, hey presto, not working again.
For a permanent fix I simply cut a couple of inches of fuel hose out of the line so it now has a better lead and will no longer cause the problem... Simple right?
Of course, the problem is me being simple. It only took me a month and a half to sort out the cause of the problem...
On an interesting side note generator-wise, we plan to convert the generator over to propane in the not too-distant future. The only question remaining is whether to go with a tri-fuel conversion (propane/CNG/gasoline) or a simpler propane only conversion. More about that as it develops...
Listening to Smokey Robinson
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago