My kind of New Years resolution, how economic growth is not the cure, and the word for today is sociopathic ...
A couple of readers have written and pointed out that my Bozo the punching clown is akin to an apples/oranges situation and comparing Bozo to a boat simply does not work because a clown is not a boat...
Well, I certainly have been known to make mistakes from time to time, and while I was never in the top ten percent of any of my physics classes in college, it is still my understanding that the various laws of physics apply equally to both apples and oranges. Point of fact, last time I dropped an orange it fell to the floor just like your standard Newtonian apple. That being the case, I expect my analogy of an internally ballasted clown still applies to an internally ballasted shoal draft sailboat.
Listening to Lady Antebellum
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
4 hours ago