Time Warner certainly knows how to treat employees (CPR not allowed), with all this talk about cruiser safety in the South Seas one wonders how safe Polynesian folks are in the US of A, and a Zombie in a Penguin Suit...
The current series of polls on boat choices and now on the economics of cruising have made for some very interesting stuff in the mailbag (sure to be fodder for future posts) and Boat Bits readers seem to be asking all of the right questions while showing a real thinking outside the box flair to the whole living and cruising on a boat gig. Sure readers of this blog might not be the cruising norm but they certainly seem a lot brighter than most.
It was also quite interesting to see just how many of the readership both got the idea of cargo schooners and seemed to share a desire to cruise on one... Something some designers might give some thought to... Ya think?
It's gray, threatening rain, and thunder is growling in the distance... Of course, my task for the day involve glass fiber and epoxy on the deck... Arrrrgggghhh.
Listening to Jethro Tull
So it goes...
Tiny Tools: Toward a Compact Tool Set
2 days ago