Why am I not surprised department, how law in 2011 shares a lot with the middle ages, and Odda-sea evolves into the non-diesel future...
I recently mentioned to a friend some possible cruising routes/scenarios I have been considering and got a somewhat negative reaction as the various routes were a tad different than most people choose to do.
It got me thinking about how easy it is to paint yourself into a corner in cruising and fall into the "everybody does it this way" ting. But, maybe I'm just lucky that something in my genetic make up inclines me to turn left when I notice everyone is turning right. On the other hand, I'll be the first to admit that being contrary by nature seldom makes route finding easy but it certainly does make it kind of interesting from time to time...
Interesting beats boredom in my book any day...
It's seriously scary how time flies when you are having a good time... Yowza 1,111 posts as of today!
Listening to White Rabbits
So it goes...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago