The reality of not leaving a clean wake, Zamboni Driver has a red blue letter day, and, hey, it's Banned Books Week!
A couple of folks have dropped emails to Boat Bits Central asking exactly what this so-called "Maker Revolution" is all about...
You might say it is just some folks doing DIY on steroids.
Truth is, it's not so much a revolution but a reawakening of a lot of values and skills that seem to have all but disappeared, which when combined with more accessible technology... Well, put like that it does get kind of revolutionary.
Mainly, it is a way of looking at things that means when you need something or need to repair something, you either do it yourself or go to a local (big emphasis on the word "local") maker in your community ("community" also being a key word here) and get it sorted out.
Imagine no longer being at the mercy of big companies with lousy products, inflated prices, and horrible after sales service... Kinda works for me!
The thing is boatfolk ("our" kind of boatfolk as opposed to the "other" kind) are already halfway to being full fledged makers as it is, and it won't take much to make the boating community a hive of maker industry... That's the good news. More good news is that as more products become available in an open market we will see some real product evolution that will deliver real innovation that is more about function than increased profit margin.
The bad news (well, actually only bad for some) is that as our economy shifts into a more sustainable model, the established marine related companies catering to cruisers and sailing folk will have to adapt and compete or find themselves doing the dinosaur two-step... and, dear readers, the music for that dance is just about to begin.
Oh yeah, being handy is just about to become the new black...
Listening to Great Big Sea
So it goes...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago