Over at Dispatches from the Middle River, they point out it's about time to light the torches, I don't know about you but if I were in the vicinity of San Diego I'd make a point of going here, and fat just got fatter...
Now, if you will excuse me, I feel a rant coming on...
I noticed a thread on a forum I look at from time to time and someone asked about electric propulsion. The question was simply wondering who else was doing the electric propulsion thing to compare notes, but it is more than likely it will devolve into an ongoing discussion by folk with no actual experience with electric propulsion both pro and con but lots and lots of opinions.
This whole sailing gig is hard enough for a lot of people just getting into it without having to add a lot of baseless conjecture, opinions without any real world experience to back them up, or tales from a guy who heard it from a another guy who heard from a dude who might have actually seen an electric drive muddying the water...
Ya think?
So if you don't actually have experience with something like electric propulsion, electronic antifouling, or whatever, don't give advice and leave your snarky comments at the door... STFU is not a bad mantra and you'll find that folks will often equate the process with wisdom.
Listening to Joe Walsh
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
1 day ago