Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A bit of sunshine behind the deluge...

We've had a couple of weeks of what has seemed like non-stop rain... So much so, that when I went to get a sheet of plywood yesterday, they asked me how many cubits I needed... Hopefully the sun will shine just long enough to get through the current spate of projects.

This morning's reading consisted of some good points by Kuntsler on the Lance Armstrong brouhaha, how Harold Camping just keeps bouncing back (Rapture rescheduled for October 21), and how folks who consider their boats a second home for tax purposes should be writing their folks in Congress...

On the gear side, I've mentioned in the past that I'm looking for a portable depth sounder for the dinghy and for checking out hurricane holes (yep, its that time of year again...). So far my search has just not panned out too well, as nothing seems to scream "Buy me", but the other day while researching some fishing gear I happened across this fishfinder and while it did not so much scream "Buy me" it has been whispering seductively...

What's cool about the Hummingbird Smartcast is that the transducer is wireless and encased in a float that you can cast with a fishing rod and the fishfinder screen is in a cool (shades-of-Dick-Tracy) wristwatch housing... Yowza!

When you think about it, this is all sorts of practical and makes all kinds of sense and could lend itself to all sorts of useful depth finding mayhem aboard a sailboat. The fact that it also functions as a fishfinder is just icing on the cake! Even better for a person of my frugal nature... it's cheap!

Listening to Anna Singt

So it goes...