The other day I overheard a conversation about cruising, politics and Captain Ron... It got me thinking.
Now... On the whole I try to steer clear of thoughts deeper than my current boat projects, song lyrics, or cunning plans to catch fish but the iconic nature of Captain Ron and what it says about us cruising folk has had my three remaining gray cells in a tizzle all week.
For many, Captain Ron is as close to cruising reality as many will ever come and for those who actually do cruise will quickly find that it is a lot closer to reality than they had ever dreamed. Life and films have an interesting way of changing places and mirroring things...
Kurt Russel's title character gets the lion's share of people's attention, and well it should, as an insane cross between his Snake Plissken and "Rudy" Russo roles it's hard not to pay attention, but for me the real meat is the Harvey family and their learning curve.
Of course, it's just a film and light entertainment but it does have its share of serious home truths of which the most important is simply not to take things too seriously...
Listening to the best Talking Heads cover ever!
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago