While Sarah Palin and her minions scrub their web presence of embarrassing cross-hairs, other various voices of hate and ichor are doing the "Wasn't anything I said" shuffle. At least a Sheriff in AZ is making some sense but as a result is in the cross-hairs himself...
So it goes...
The fact is I have been planning some changes to the blog and since I can't put pen to paper in the normal Boat Bits vein at the moment... Might as well tell you about them instead!
We get a lot of mail here at Boat Bits Central and most of it involves requests for more details and more in depth stuff on various projects and "How-to's" which are somewhat problematic in a blog format (spelled boring) for anyone not interested in more details. My thoughts when writing stuff is not to be an authority but simply a guy who points folks in the general direction of how something might be done rather than the you must do something my way. That said, apparently some folks want more details in some areas and Boat Bits is going to add an Email newsletter (three times a year) for those who are hopelessly deranged enough to want to know more about the A-Z of such fun subjects as composting toilets, self steering, boat butchery or cruising on a blue collar budget. More about that soonish...
Some folks write and point out I may be a tad too harsh in pointing out from time to time that some sailing related gear is junk, over priced or both... To be honest, I'm still trying to comprehend why anyone would defend people who are selling them stuff that is junky, overpriced, or junky and overpriced. The mind simply boggles! On the other hand, I hope these folks stick around because I still have a junky satphone that does not work very well I'd like someone to take off my hands for a lot more than its worth!
We also get quite a few emails on the subject of political content and over 90% of it is favorable as apparently the odd rantings of a middle of the road democrat with leanings towards fiscal responsibility seem to strike a positive chord. That said if you are in the other camp and prefer your Boat Bits to be 100% boat content all of the time... Well, dudes and dudettes, you are simply out of luck (life being like that) and either suck it up and get with the program or simply quit reading Boat Bits (might I suggest North American Sailor a good blog with an interesting non-political and pro sailing industry content).
When we morphed Boat Bits into three separate blogs (Boat Bits, Fishing Under Sail, and Island Gourmand) I was not aware of how much more work was involved. Getting Fishing Under Sail and Island Gourmand up to speed has been something of a head banging task... Hopefully there is now some light at the end of the tunnel but I'd like to take the opportunity to thank those readers who keep reading in spite of slow updates and suchlike.
And yes there will be more guitars and zombies!
More tomorrow...
Simple Sampan
14 hours ago