Tomorrow I'll wake up and it will be 2011... Cool, as 2010 has been something of a bummer and hopefully the out door will give it a great big whack on the ass as it leaves!
It's hard to sit by and watch the economy (for normal folk) spiral down into the the dire zone while those we elected (remember "Yes we can") shuck and jive about tough love for us while the folks who caused the melt down are being rewarded and buying even bigger mega-yachts.
If there was any doubt in my mind that the game has been rigged it was dispelled by watching the idiocy of the BP oil spill... Seeing the once proud USCG become nothing more than rent-a-cops and goons for the interests of BP... was a very sad event.
So it goes...
The thing is, it does not have to be this way. If we could simply get away from the same old same lifestyle choices and politics of greed and fear there would be more than enough for everyone. Buckminster Fuller coined the word "ephemeralization" which boils down to doing more with less. Fuller often used the example of Telstar, the first communications satellite, which weighed all of five hundred pounds yet replaced thousands of tons of copper wire... Doing more with less!
Sadly doing more with less affects some folks profit margins and they like the status quo just like it is... Just between us, I should point out that using less, making your own stuff and cutting into these folks profits will really really piss them off. Just saying...
I had actually planned on ending this blog just about now but apparently some folks find its idiocy helpful or entertaining and keep asking for more. So you can expect at least another year of drek and zombie apocalypse. There will be some changes and as soon as I can sort out the mechanics, a newsletter that goes a bit deeper into stuff will become part of the mix (for those who are seriously deranged and keep requesting it).
Thanks to all the readers who bought stuff through the blog and its advertisers in the last year. It really does help keep the blog alive...
Here's hoping 2011 will be a better year for all of us...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago