Our business as charter brokers is very rewarding as a whole (after all we sell folks fun and how great is that) but it does come with no small amount of frustration as we see new boats gets swallowed up by the same old same cattle boat mentality. It's not their fault, really, as there is no small amount of pressure to get in line and become sheep-like from various forces, but in doing so, they do both the industry and themselves a real disservice.
Which is why the very existence of a boat like Wanderbird is so refreshing as it is most certainly not the same old same! While it breaks the same old same rules, it also opens all sorts of niche sailing and exploring opportunities for those folks who'd like to do a charter but don't have any urge do the standard "if it's Tuesday we must be anchored off Foxy's let's go buy the t-shirt" sort of charter that so many of our clients find boring. What is not boring is Wanderbird's plans for the future which are more along the lines of... inspired! They even have just about the best budget trip we've ever seen in their Tramp steamer voyage...
It doesn't have to be the same old same...
Then again, it takes a special sort of person or crew to build your own niche and that goes especially for charter yachts. The downside is that not everyone gets the fact that being different or unique is really a great selling point, and selling something different or unique in a world populated by folks of limited vision can be... well... frustrating. On the up side, once you do it and it works, everyone and his brother will be trying to clone or steal your niche once you have shown it successful but by then you will own it. Success, of course is the best revenge!
Do it right and they will come...
Simple Sampan
11 hours ago