There are always a lot of good reasons to go cruising or sail off into the sunset but for a lot of people who are finding this dire economy somewhat... well... dire, it just may be a way of riding out the economic storm.
Many folks find the idea or concept of cruising "till it is no longer fun" a somewhat daunting leap of faith but from where I sit here at Boat Bits central it would seem that a lot more folks than the norm are taking the leap.
For instance, the Baja Ha Ha cruising rally and others of the same ilk are growing as more and more sailors feel the need to "take some time off" and whether this is in spite of, or because of, the current economic FUBAR we'll let you figure out...
Whatever the reason, going sailing is never ever a bad thing to do and for most of us it promotes a certain economic reality and regime that is refreshing considering the what else is on offer.
Time to Dump
1 week ago