The other day I was wandering around the local so called discount marine store in the quest for a cunning plan to solve some problem or other on "So It Goes". In the process I found myself looking at their selection of sheaves which was pretty inadequate in even the most common sizes but with prices that simply took your breath away...
Seriously $79 for a 2 1/2" sheave? Well to steal a quote from one of my favorite films "Used Cars" that is simply "Too fucking high!" To add insult to injury they were seriously crappy sheaves (you know the sort that break under load so you have to replace them).
So what should a really good sheave cost? Well take a look at Zephyrwerks who makes really excellent sheaves on a semi-custom basis. They use top quality materials and their workmanship is first rate... A single sheave will run you $38. If you buy more the cost comes down...
So why does the discount marine store sell cheap injected plastic crap with sharp edges for $79? Well, just maybe, it is because we as boat folk are stupid and confuse a high price with quality or just don't know better... Either way it is in our own best interest to give a little more thought to the stuff we install in our boats and the prices we pay.
Over and over again I hear horrible stories about marine companies not building good stuff and when it fails not doing the right thing. On a regular basis I see marine retailers not accept their responsibility as a bridge between customer and the people who build this shoddy crap (you know like the Harken death trap Bosuns chair).
Sure they are scum for not doing their job but truth be told, we as consumers are as much at fault for putting up with it. There are good people making and selling excellent stuff and surprise, surprise they are most always cheaper than the lowest common denominator discount stores.
So if you need sheaves... Zephyrwerks!
Simple Sampan
14 hours ago