I've always felt that whatever answers are out there in the world of import for pretty much all pursuits whether it be designing a boat, politics, or cruising solutions are simple...
If you really want to get up my nose there is no easier path than telling me "it's complicated". When I hear that phrase it is almost always (except the notable exception of brain surgery, for instance) used by someone who does not know the answer or, more likely someone trying to shuck and jive me. Politicians use it all the time, and if you want to see my head explode combine "it's complicated" and "Wall Street bailout" in the same sentence...
So, you want "simple" and, dear readers, simple is a GOOD thing... "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Daniel Pink is some serious simple and what's more, it is the sort of simple you can take to the bank. This is the book I wish someone had slipped me when I was charting my adult life back in 11th grade and all I ever got was "it's complicated, just do what we tell you to!" All those years on the shuck and jive express...
Anyway, so what does this have to do with boat design, boat building or cruising? Well, for starters, it shows a slightly out of the box set of ideas and if you can transpose the thought processes involved to boat building, boat design or cruising you'll succeed... Then again, if you can't and you DON'T GET IT... well, maybe you should simply invest in an RV or buy a farm in Kansas.
Sorry, sometimes we all need a little tough love... Right?
Simple Sampan
1 day ago