Sailing the classic plastic seas on the web there is surprisingly small amount of good info out there and I am very quick to bookmark sites when they are a resource to go back to...Considering the overall popularity of the various CAL's I am often surprised at just how bad most of the CAL related sites are.
The CAL 28 is one of those designs that has a lot of fans and as a CAL it is a very important boat in the CAL/Lapworth evolution which makes it even more than just a really wonderful boat and practical cruising design...Like the CAL 40 it really has a place in history and give whole new meaning to the Classic in classic plastic phrase a lot of us throw around.
Lucky for us that there is a most excellent site on the CAL 28 and even better it shows serious evidence of evolving into a most excellent HUB website for all things CAL .
Go check it out ... CAL 28
Tiny Tools: Toward a Compact Tool Set
2 days ago