Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Something worth reading, a point well taken well taken, and in the "If it ain't that time of year again" department...

The word for today is h-y-d-r-o-g-e-n.

Sounds kind of cool. That said, It's been pointed out from a keen eyed reader that...
"An engine’s waste heat cannot produce hydrogen from water.  It can only produce steam: a change of state.  The production of free hydrogen from water molecules requires requires electricity or a chemical reaction to overcome the chemical bonds holding the H2O molecule together.  It’s not easy to do.  Most water molecules are older than the earth; they don’t break apart easily.  Making a gas engine run on hydrogen is a cakewalk.  Having it make its own fuel from water via waste heat is snake oil."

Listening to Jessica Dobson

So it goes...