Saturday, November 24, 2018

Just stop signs on the roads I like to travel...

A somewhat troubling read, doing a good thing, and some photos from the NASA Juno probe...

Apparently some folks require rules.

For some odd reason, every once in awhile, folks write me and ask for a rule because, apparently, some misguided readers think that where boats are concerned...
  1. There should be RULES.
  2. RULES are comforting to some.
  3. A guy who writes a Blog with a moniker like Boat Bits is going to be a repository of said RULES.
Which is sort of funny because the whole idea of RULES has a lot to do with the reason I do the boat gig and to paraphrase an often paraphrased line from a great movie...

"We don't need no stinking RULES"

Which is all just a roundabout introduction to the answer to the question someone asked me the other day...

"What's the rule on anchor weight to length ratio?"

Fact of the matter is that there is no rule. That said, my advice on the subject is that the bigger the anchor the better as long as it's not so big that you can't handle it without some form of power assistance. In my case that translates roughly to an anchor of around forty-five pounds with a mostly chain rode.

As far as I'm concerned, rules are just stop signs on the roads I like to travel but, the fact is, that we all have a variety of personal and physical limits that we should pay attention to. Not so much rules but just a bit of knowing one's own limits and applying some common sense to the equation.

Listening to Café Tacvba

So it goes...